Auber – Gustave III ou Le Bal masqué

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UGS : ARN348220 Catégorie :


Daniel-Francois-Esprit Auber had been a pupil of Cherubini, but until he met Scribe in the early 1820’s had not been particularly successful. That meeting and their subsequent collaboration changed his ca-reer. If Scribe, the greatest French librettist of his time, collaborated with many composers amongst whom were Halevy (six operas including La Juive), Meyer-beer (five including Les Huguenots and Le Prophete), Donizetti (five including La Favorite), Boieldieu (four including La Dame Blanche}, all this pales in compari-son with the thirty eight works that he wrote for Auber.

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nombre de supports




Orchestre Lyrique Français, Pierre Jourdan – Ensemble Vocal Intermezzo, Michel Swierczewski