Saint-Georges – Concertos pour Violon

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L’une des plus romanesques figures de cette seconde moitié du XVIIIème siècle, Joseph Boulogne, chevalier de Saint-Georges, ajoutait à sa séduction naturelle l’attrait piquant (et diversement apprécié) d’être mulâtre. Ce fabuleux personnage, à la narration des aventures de qui les quatre volumes de Roger de Beauvoir ont été à peine suffisants, ne serait pas de son siècle s’il n’était un homme à métamorphoses pour qui la Musique fut un don reçu parmi beaucoup d’autres…
One of the most picturesque characters of the second half of the 18th century was Joseph Boulogne, chevalier de Saint-Georges (1), who added to his charm the attraction (appreciated in varying degrees) of being a mulatto. Roger de Beauvoir has devoted four volumes to the adventures of this fabulous character, and they were hardly enough l2′: he would not have been a man of the XVIIIth century if he had not possessed a many-sided character with many gifts, of which his musical talents were just one among many others…

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