Monteverdi – Madrigaux, Livre III



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On sait peu de choses sur la jeunesse de Claudio Monteverdi : né à Crémone en 1567, d’un père médecin, il devient l’élève du maître de chapelle de la cathédrale de Crémone, Marc’ Antonio Ingegneri, avec qui il apprend l’orgue et le violon. À quinze ans, en 1582, il fait publier, sur les conseils de son maître, ses premières œuvres, les Sacrae cantiunculae. Suivront les Madrigali spirituali (1583), les Canzonette a tre voce (1584) et surtout les Premier et Deuxième Livres de Madrigaux (1587, 1590)… / Very little is known about Monteverdi’s early life. He was born in 1567 in Cremona, where his father practised medicine, and he received a good musical education under Marc’Antonio Ingegneri, maestro di cappella of Cremona cathedral, with whom he learned to play the organ and the violin. In 1582, on Ingegneri’s advice, he published his first set of works, the Sacrae cantiunculae; he was just fifteen at the time. It was followed by the Madrigali spirituali (1583), the Canzonette a tre voce (1584) and the First and Second Books of Madrigals (1587 and 1590)…

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