Espagne Guitarra Flamenca



SKU: ARN44237 Category:


L’Art flamenco, libre émanation d’une terre andalouse et gitane, a subi au cours des longs siècles d’ombre qui le séparent de la civilisation arabe une transformation des genres, des écoles — pourrait-on dire — si cette appellation ne semblait trop savante pour ce style caractérisé par la plus grande liberté laissée à l’instinct populaire qui est le légataire d’un héritage ancestral et somptueux.
During the long centuries of obscurity that separate it from its origins in Arab civilisation, the Art of Flamenco, emanating freely from the Andalusian and gipsy lands, has been transformed. One might say that it was a change of genre, of school — although these terms could be perceived as too academic for a style which is characterized by the greatest freedom given to those popular instincts which are the legatees of a sumptuous ancestral heritage.

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