On ignore si Marc-Antoine Charpentier fut organiste. Le Mercure Galant nous informe qu’il « apprit la musique sous le Charissimi, estimé le meilleur maître d’Italie » (1) pendant son séjour à Rome. Tout au plus sait-on que Carissimi était lui-même organiste de la cathédrale de Tivoli, et que Charpentier fut le témoin privilégié de la vie musicale de Rome, particulièrement dans le domaine de la musique sacrée. Il y entendra les plus beaux orgues, notamment celui de Saint-Jean-de-Latran (datant de la fin du XVIe siècle). / It is not known for sure whether Marc-Antoine Charpentier was an organist or not. The Mercure Galant tells us that he ‘studied music under the Charissimi, who was considered to be the best music master of all Italy’ (1) during his stay in Rome. At least we know that Carissimi was himself an organist at the Cathedral of Tivoli and that Charpentier was a priviledged witness to the musical life of Rome, especially when it came to sacred music. There he would listen to the music of the most beautiful organs, especially that of Saint John of Latran (which dates back to the sixteenth century).