Hindemith – Musique de Chambre



SKU: ARN63657 Category:


Paul Hindemith longtemps tenu suspect pour la netteté de ses refus vis-à-vis de Debussy, de l’école de Vienne et du folklore, ainsi que pour sa détermination à s’accomplir dans la lignée de Brahms et de Reger, Paul Hindemith fait aujourd’hui figure de musicien original et personnel. Bien que ce fécond musicien allemand, né à Hanau en 1895, mort à Francfort en 1963, fût chargé d’honneurs proportionnellement à son exceptionnel rayonnement à travers le monde, son existence pourrait se résumer en quelques lignes. C’est assez dire qu’elle se confond totalement avec sa musique…/For a long time Hindemith was considered suspect because of his flat refusal of Debussy, the Viennese school and folk influences, and also because of his determination to assert himself in  the lineage of Brahms and Reger. Today, however, he is looked on as an original and personal composer. Although this productive German musician, who was born in Hanau in 1895 and died in Frankfurt in 1963, was laden with honours that were in keeping with the exceptional influence he had throughout the world, his existence could be summarised in just a few lines: it is enough to say that his life was totally inseparable from his music.

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