Eric Aubier & Friends… – Baroque Concertos For 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Trumpets



UGS : PV730085 Catégorie :


La trompette, instrument sacré, instrument biblique, instrument guerrier, instrument des fanfares, la trompette est un des instruments à vent les plus anciens qui soient et aux fonctions multiples. Elle n’apparaît véritablement à l’orchestre qu’au début du XVIIe siècle lorsque Monteverdi lui confie cinq parties dans son opéra Orfeo créé à Mantoue en 1607…

The trumpet, sacred instrument is one of the oldest wind instruments in existence, fulfilling many functions: a sacred instrument (mentioned in the Bible), an instrument of war and of fanfares. It did not really appear in the orchestra until the early 17th century, when Monteverdi gave it five parts in his opera Orfeo, first performed in Mantua in 1607. A little later, in 1675, the maestro di cappella of St Mark’s in Venice, one of Monteverdi’s successors in the Doge’s City, Giovanni Legrenzi, also used it in his opera Eoteocle e Polinice.

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Orchestre Paul Kuentz