Sturm und Drang



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A disciple of Scott Ross, Mario Raskin is a performer recognised for his personal and creative vision
of music of the 17th and 18th centuries. With numerous discs to his credit, devoted to works by
Duphly, Forqueray, Soler, and Bach, he carries out an important career as a concert artist alongside
Mario Raskin began his musical studies at the ‘Carlos López Buchardo’ National Conservatory of
Buenos Aires, his birthplace. A student of Carlos Guastavino, Roberto García Morillo, Alicia Terzian,
Norma Romano and Carlos Suffern, he studied harmony, counterpoint, analysis, and composition,
soon choosing the harpsichord as his principal instrument. Holder of a scholarship from the Bariloche
Foundation, he was also counselled by the harpsichordist Mónica Coachov. After meeting Rafael
Puyana, he was invited to pursue his studies in Paris. He subsequently discovered the interpretations
of Scott Ross during the Festival van Vlaanderen in Bruges and decided to join him at the Université
Laval in Quebec. There he earned his degree in 1983.